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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

ONCE-Mini Music & Film Review

Music that Inspires - Film that Touches the Soul
A street musician meets a his musical match - a love story without lust & sex - just mutual inspiration. Hits top notes in both music and film.

By Vesta Copestakes

This isn't my turf, but I just have to recommend a film and CD because it's one of those experiences that leaves a trail in your mind. I love those kind. You see a movie and it haunts you because it's good - not because it's scary or intensely emotional. In this case, because it's sweet, and honest and so very human and real. And the music - the music just took up residence inside my head and heart.

I found this movie simply because I asked Joe at The Movie Library in Forestville to help me find something to take to Alan's house for an evening of watching a movie while lounging on the couch. I fail miserably with my movie choices, even when I bring three. I get lured in by intriguing visuals and off-the-wall plot descriptions. Amazing how bad some movies can be. So I asked for Joe's advice.

He told me about a movie that he hadn't seen but that many people had told him about. People said they recommended it highly - so heck - why not.

Right away I was drawn to the characters, so real and appealing. People I would want to meet. Their story was friendship. Not love and attraction and passion and lust - and certainly not even a hint at violence. Just good friendship. Two people who meet and start making music together. They never fall in love, never jump into bed together even though there's a little hint that they could. Their lives have complexities that are real without drama - just real. Their music and the evolution of the music that comes from their friendship is real and - well - musical! They pull together other people to play with them. The relationships they have with other people in their lives - the whole movie - it's just real. And yet it's a movie.

I like the music so much, Alan bought me the CD for my birthday, and with it is a DVD of how they made the movie. Even that's interesting. Amazing actually!

So I'm passing Joe's advice on that he got from others. Apparently “Once” has left a trail of recognition from Sundance Film Festival out into the universe. Pick up the movie and enjoy. And if you're like me, the music will lure you to wanting to hear it more. And you get the bonus of the DVD that gives you the inside story of how this all came together. I am so impressed.
