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Monday, February 1, 2010

North Coast News

This is my first column for the North Coast Communities. I hope to cover every town from Duncans Mills north to Steward Point, and Sea Ranch. Although many of the towns are small with only a few residents, they make up the fabric that is Sonoma County, and offer some of the best of what makes us great. I will need your help to keep me informed of what is going on in your community. As I am coming into this late, and the deadline is looming. I will be concentrating on the town of Duncans Mills this month

Town Meeting
I would like to start out by giving an update on a Duncans Mills town meeting that took place November 2nd at the Blue Heron. Sponsored by the Duncans Mills Merchant Association, with Supervisor Efren Callillo, and Tom O’Kane, road Manager for Caltrans. State Assembly member Maddy Hirshfied was scheduled to be in attendance, but had to cancel at the last minute due to illness. The meeting was regarding the speed limit and road crossing through town. There were about 50 of the towns 85 residents in attendance expressing their concern with the safety of crossing the street in town with cars traveling at 50+ miles an hour. There were many stories of close calls, and near misses for residents and tourist alike trying to get from one side to the other.

What other town can you travel at 50 miles an hour through the center of town? According to Bobbie Jeanne Quercia, chairperson for the event, what they hope to get is a lower speed limit, and a stop sign at the intersection of 116 and Moscow Rd. Bobbie has received an update from Tom O’Kane’s office that Caltrans would be painting an island in the crossing to make it safer to cross the intersection. Hopefully that is just an intern step. I will keep you posted on any updates.

Town Slogan
Also new in Duncans Mills is their new slogan. The town sponsored a contest with KZST to come up with a slogan for their town. They received almost 300 entries. The top 5 entries as selected by the merchants were then voted on by the listeners, and Amy Catelli’s “Arrive as a Stranger, Leave as a Friend” was chosen.

At the towns Christmas tree lighting on December 12th, she was awarded a $1000.00 shopping spree in the town’s shops, Dinner at The Blue Heron Restaurant, Breakfast the next day at Cafe Fear Restaurant, and a nights stay at Carol and Ferds Sabino’s Vacation rental Wicker House in nearby Cazadero. Brent Farris from KZST was on hand to award the check. Even thought the weather did not corporate, a festive time was had by everyone. Congratulations Amy. There are a number of wonderful shops in town, so be sure to stop by and become a friend. I know the merchants would love to see you. I hear there are other changes coming to town. I will let you know what they are when I have more information.

The Blue Heron will be having a Speed Dating Event on February 13th. It should be a lot of fun. Stop in or call for more information

North Coast Info Please...
As I have said this column is for all of the communities of the north coast, so if you have any information, or anything that you would like to share about your community, please feel free to email me at, or call and leave a message at 707-865-9979.
I want this column to be about all the current activities in our North Coast towns - Jenner, Bodega, Bodega Bay - wherever the gazette is distributed along the Coast - -so please share the information that makes your community great.

I hope everyone's New Years is starting out on the right foot and every one is keeping to their resolutions. I know how hard that can be. One pound down, 19 to go!! Valentine’s day is just around the corner, don’t forget to let that special someone in your life know just how much they mean to you. Be safe and well!
