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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Petaluma Rumas - December 2011

Twenny-leven: news and notes from a bug’s eye view!

We have seen many things change in our communities and in our households, and the resonating chord here in Sonoma County is still, community, sustainable and local. Everything from the Go Local campaign to the flourishing of farmers markets to the laudable efforts of Vesta’s local shopping tour. We need to fix this country the way it got built, not the way it got broken! 

It does seem to me that this Occupy movement may have some legs but has the actual message been made clear? The media has a penchant for glamorizing or slamorizing these sorts of shenanigans in this country, and the message is so important. Here in Occupy Petaluma they focused on foreclosures, and in a very eloquent statement in front of Petaluma City Council, “We want to help our neighbors and keep them in our town,” said Amy Hanks, “Keeping families in their homes stabilizes property values, helps prevent the painful dissolution of families due to foreclosure and helps prevent a negative chain of events that can lead to a rise in dependence on public subsidies, homelessness and hopelessness.”

It is incumbent on the rest of us to voice our displeasure over the “of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation” M.O. of government. (when did we rewrite the constitution that way?) Moving your moola to a local bank or credit union, supporting local businesses and embracing your community is the award winning way to make a difference. The council in Petaluma actually asked the Sherriff to stop evicting people over foreclosures until they were told it is illegal. The only way to really make a difference is to change the way you shop, change the place you bank and grow your community sustainably. Every ONE of us, collectively, makes a huge difference, because everyone added together is 99% unanimous, a small oxymoron to make a big point. As good old George Carlin put it, what can you do with a language where slim chance and fat chance mean the same thing? I am happy to be your word mangler!

The news from the Heritage Salvage front is really fun. We have made a deal with the largest distributor of sustainable building materials on the East Coast to carry an HS line of reclaimed and salvaged goodies (WoodTalks). We are now working with local crews in seven states in a growing collaboration of sustainability. I flew out to Ohio to check on the 1869 corn mill I bought, really cool building, and my crew at the warehouse, then travelled on to New York, NY to put up a great booth that the HS gang built in 3 days and attend a big trade show with my new partners! Here’s to sustainable growth in 2012. And here is a photo of Katie Couric (an absolutely delightful human being) and da bug in front of the WoodTalks booth at the Javits Center, NYC.

All of us at Heritage Salvage wish you the best for the holidays and hope you all will support first the local shops in your own community and then local shops in our county. Petaluma is a jewel of a place to Dine, Wine, Stew and Brew, Shop, Hop and gather with Crew. Please join us! Come on by and check out the fabulous lighting displays in Petaluma, “the town that loves to dress up for a party!”

Bless you all!
