Thursday, December 1, 2011

At The Table - December 2011

Old World Winery
850 River Road, Fulton, CA 95439 707-490-6696 •

On a late, breezy fall Sunday afternoon I was coming back from Windsor and happened upon this adorable small winery on River Road.

Upon entering I felt a positive vibe and was immediately enveloped by the warmth and cheerfulness of this small winery.

Darek Trowbridge, a handsome 40-year-old father of two hails from a family of winemakers, his dad Giuseppe and Uncle Lino Martinelli taught Darek the old world style of making wines.

There are quite a few wines to sample at only $5.00 a taste and you will be pleasantly surprised by the selection. The Zinfandel, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noirs were my absolute favorites.  This is not your typical huge commercial winery. It is small,intimate and a wonderful gathering place for small weddings, anniversary parties or small corporate events.The staff is friendly and welcoming and you feel like you are at home when you come here.

 I was told the winery hosts incredible monthly Winemaker Dinners called “Flavor Art” dinners by local Chef and personality Helena Gustavsson Giesea. I eagerly made a reservation for the Winemaker Series dinner.

It was a very memorable night meeting locals from all over the Bay Area over amazing food and terrific wines. Most dinners start with two appetizers and four courses. All dinners are focused with the fresh and sustainable bounty of ingredients from the county. The dinner menu is carefully crafted to complement the wines paired with each course. All the guests were so interesting that many phone numbers were exchanged.

The dinner menu is on the winery website and if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, Chef Helena will be happy to accomodate you. Winemaker FlavorArt dinners are $65.00 per person, $55.00 for wine club members. You can check out Helena’s web/blog at for menus, recipes and FlavorArt dinner and other events. Please stop in, sample some wines and meet the winemaker, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I certainly was and look forward to going back.