Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cazadero Communications - December 2011

As I sit in my cozy cyber-hut today, I am happy to have some heat! The large redwoods around me have sun on them, but it is a chilly day!

I am still warm from the fantastic Cazadero Community Feast that we attended last week. Wow, it was amazing! A happy crowd enjoyed the delicious and copious traditional foods, lovingly cooked and served by the Community Club and the Community Church – such dedicated folks!

The Community Club’s recent crafts faire was very successful, with lovely gift items and tasty snacks. Monthly Club meetings resume on Tuesday, March 6th, 7 p.m. at the Firehall. You may become a member by mailing $10 ($15 family) to CC Club, P.O. Box 3, Cazadero, CA 95421.

Montgomery School Holiday Show
The Annual Montgomery School holiday show will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, December 15th at the Firehall.  Students and staff thank the Booster’s Club for the Thanksgiving feast,as well as a holiday wrapping paper fundraiser for special programs and equipment.  School break is from December 19 through January 2nd, with the classes resuming on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Other Holiday Items
The Cazadero General Store will have its Annual Xmas event on either the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of December – date is still TBA at press time. This usually features a fun parade, with horses and even “snow”, plus bbq, cookies and more!

Several holiday crafts faires will feature local artisans. The 40th Annual Dance Palace Holiday Faire is open on Friday afternoon, December 2nd and all day Saturday and Sunday. The Occidental Fair, which benefits the Occidental Community Council, will be held at the YMCA building on Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th – lots of goodies await, including the famous ‘bucket’ raffle. The lovely Monte Rio Community Center houses the 4th Annual Holiday Wonderland Crafts Faire, sponsored by MR Rec & Park, on Friday, December 16th from 11-7, and all day Saturday, the 17th and Sunday the 18th.

The Russian River Jewish Community will have a Chanukah dance party with the Jubilee Klezmer Ensemble and latke party on Friday, December 23rd, from 5 p.m. at the Monte Rio Community Center. Please call 632-5545 to RSVP, if possible.

Birthday Wishes
Belated November birthday greetings to Ronan Sheets on the 7th and Erica Tourady on the 11th.  I wish a Very Happy December Birthday to poet Mike Tuggle on the 1st, Heather Lough also celebrates her 25th on the 1st. Brittany Kelly enjoys the 6th, Christopher Chase will be 13 on the 8th, Ariana Barrio has her day on the 20th, Kassidy Sani on the 26th, Katy Kelly will be 27 on the 27th, my dear friend and fellow KGGV programmer Angie Orr of Monte Rio on the 30th, Justin Mosher-Ludy will be 32 on the 30th and Stephen Gross of Rien’s Beach celebrates on the 31st. Peter Perlman has his day right around the 1st of January.

The Cazadero Disaster Site is still at the Baptist Camp. I will notify you if this changes.

Have a wonderful holiday season, stay warm and call me at 632-5545 or email with info for your Cazadero Column!