Thursday, December 1, 2011

Geyserville Grapevine - December 2011

Come Visit our Old Town
The holiday season is upon us and soon the darkness shall be lit up with lights throughout our small town, creating bright smiles and enlightening encounters as Geyservillians go to and fro within the main street that comprises most of our businesses in town.  Each will have a tree outside and our main tree will be in the visitors park and ride, so come on down and enjoy the wine tasting, art galleries, and vintage stores filled to the brim with gift and stocking stuffers. Many are discovering Geyserville as a place not to be missed when touring around Sonoma County. It is such a unique community, with its old facades, and covered sidewalks with benches to sit upon if you wish to rest and just want to view Geyser Peak at a distance.

The Geysers of the Past
Many do not know that in the mid 1800’s the Geysers were a tremendous draw for visitors from all over, who came to heal in the waters and stay at the Geyser Springs Hotel.

Prior to this time the aborigines brought their sick to be cured by steaming lava beds. I have a little book that describes a stage coast ride up the mountain, which sounded very hair raising indeed. Here are a few descriptions from the book. “Passing along the wild, romantic way, we reach the Eye Water Springs. The next point is the Devil’s Office, a weird grotto-like place with crystals hanging to the rocky banks. It appears to us that Nature, in her provisions for human wants and sufferings, has here, within narrow bounds, in a pure atmosphere and amidst scenery the most inspiring, formed a Grand Laboratory of nearly every mineral, chemical, and gaseous agent and compound known as science and to the material medica, as a cure for diseases.”

They had such names as Lemonade Springs, with water that could be drunk, whose sulfuric acid was of great medicinal value to dyspepsia, liver complaint, and many other diseases. There was the Witches Cauldron, an eight-foot in diameter spring with a temperature 230 degrees where eggs could cook in three minutes. Other names were the Corn Mill, which made a grinding sound, The Ink Mill, Punch Bowl, the Boiling Alum Spring, The Devils Arm Chair, and the Blarney Stone.  The Steamboat Geyser shot upward to a great height making a loud noise, resembling a steamboat blowing its horn. The little booklet was so informative about Geyser Peak that the knowing of the wonders of this gift from Mother Earth, now being usurped by PG&E, sucking the energy from this natural phenomena caused me to cry tears for its loss.  All of which happened around 1970.  The Healing Geysers here could have been one of the Wonders of the world.

For Seniors in Our Community
I attended a gathering at the Geyserville Christian Church, created to offer information to seniors. The presenter was Norma Ford of the Family Justice Center.  Geyserville has a large population of elders and this agency offers support for anyone, age 60 and over who are victims of abuse.  In all situations, the advocate will conduct a risk assessment, develop a safety plan and assist in finding services.  Victims may need assistance getting a restraining order, emergency shelter, medical care, or counseling. Call 565-8265.

A Winter Solstice Concert
Saturday, December 17th at 7:30 you can attend a thrilling concert featuring Triskela Harp Trio and the Bay Area Youth Harp Ensemble. At the darkest time of the year, celebrate the return of the light as these harpist weave a tapestry of ancient rituals through traditional Celtic music and heart warming Holiday sing-alongs.  This is a special evening to awaken the celebratory Spirit with Celtic harps, flutes, drums and beautiful vocals.  This will be at the Isis Oasis Redwood Theatre $20 / $15 for seniors and children. Come early to enjoy a festive dinner beforehand on the pavilion for $20. A benefit for the Isis Oasis Sanctuary of 15 endangered and threatened exotic cats, 75 exotic birds and a vivarium of insects and reptiles. Call 707-857-4747 for dinner reservations.  

Blessings of Peace & Joy!