Thursday, December 1, 2011

Monte Rio Musings - December 2011

The holidays are upon us …. Seems we say this every year as though in some abstract way we forget about them and yet, they arrive still.  There are turkeys to roast and gifts to buy and lights to install and little time to make it all happen.  We manage though, don’t we? And we seem to enjoy it despite the difficulty of bringing it all together.  

Those who are lucky enough to have employment, manage the holiday necessities of shopping, party-going and dinner planning in-between work hours. Those without jobs find the holidays intimidating by the very fact of all they represent economically. 

There are many unemployed people everywhere so be gentle when you are out in the bustle. Be kind and forgiving to family and friends who may show up to functions but can only give of themselves. 

This season, if one were to look up its meaning, is intended to be full of love not presents.  If you are lucky enough to enjoy gainful employment and happy relations, think of those who can barely keep the lights on in their homes much less on their trees.  We can never be sure we won’t be next in the unemployment line so be kind, give of yourself and have a happy holiday season.

Food Basket Program
Sixth Annual Holiday Food Basket Program – The Monte Rio Chamber of Commerce is once again organizing this much needed, much wanted and much enjoyed program.  Your generous donation of $50 will be enough for the Chamber to create a wonderful basket of holiday food for a Monte Rio school family.  Chamber volunteers will shop, assemble and distribute the baskets at the school’s Annual Winter Concert on December 16th.  Please contact Carol Silva, Food Basket Committee Chair at 865-1331 with questions or donations. 
(Donations must be received by Monday, December 12th.)

Monte Rio Recreation & Park District 
Congratulations new board members Cathy LaPlante and Jean Sasso, and returning Board member Steve Baxman! Thanks to those of you who took the time to vote this year!

Winter Wonderland Craft Fair
This is the 4th year for this event in Monte Rio and each year it is a little bit better. Don’t miss your last chance to shop for holiday gifts from local artisans and crafters! 

Friday, December 18th – 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday, December 19th, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sunday, December 20th, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Monte Rio Community Center
20488 Highway 116, Monte Rio
Call for information (707) 865-9956.

Community Meetings & Activities
Mondays – 9-10 a.m. – Pilates with Mary Black
Tuesdays – 6-7 p.m. – Yoga with Kathleen Hardy
Wednesdays – Postponed until the New Year - Aerobics with Kathleen Hardy
Wednesdays-5:30-6:30 p.m. – Watchers of Weight
Saturdays – 9:30-11 a.m. – Yoga with Kathleen Hardy
Mon. Dec. 5, 6 p.m. - Monte Rio Recreation & Park Board meeting
(MRRPD Board meetings are  the first Monday of each month unless otherwise posted)
Thur. Dec. 15, 6-9 p.m. – RRROC
(RRROC meetings alternate between Guerneville Veterans Hall and Monte Rio Community Center each 3rd Thursday unless otherwise posted)
(All meetings take place at the Monte Rio Community Center unless otherwise noted)
As always, contact me with event and activities that you wish to include in this column at