Sunday, December 11, 2011

Petaluma Flood Control Projects Meeting

Petaluma Flood 
Control Projects

The Flood Zone 2A Advisory Committee is holding a meeting to discuss projects in the upper Petaluma River Watershed that could provide flood control and other benefits, like groundwater recharge, improvements to water quality and ecosystem enhancements. The meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, December 8 at the Lucchesi Community Center in Petaluma (details below).

The study is being conducted by the Sonoma County Water Agency (Water Agency). Consultants and Water Agency staff will discuss specific project concepts, identify areas in the watershed that may be appropriate for such projects and listen to public comments.

“Every few years, Petaluma gets hit by a big storm that leads to flooding. It’s important that people who have been affected share their thoughts on projects designed to reduce the impacts of flooding,” said Water Agency Director David Rabbitt.

RMC Water and Environment, the consultants preparing the study, are evaluating several types of projects that could provide these benefits. Ideas include unlined detention basins that hold water temporarily during floods, but are dry most of the year and can be used to grow crops or (near urban areas) used as playing fields. Another example is floodplain modifications that reduce flooding by increasing flow and storage capacity while potentially enhancing groundwater recharge and providing ecosystem benefits.

The Water Agency operates and maintains flood protection facilities in the Petaluma River watershed. The Flood Zone 2A Advisory Committee provides input and feedback to the Water Agency on the annual flood zone budget and proposed projects. Projects are financed primarily through property tax revenues. In order to stretch these dollars, the Water Agency seeks state and federal matching funds or grants. Often, funding sources require projects to provide multiple benefits and involve multiple partners.

The purpose of the Upper Petaluma River Watershed Flood Control Project is to determine if multi-benefit project opportunities exist. If possible projects and partners are identified the next step is to conduct feasibility studies in order to prepare for grant funding opportunities.

The Flood Zone 2A Advisory Committee will be meeting prior to the special meeting on the Upper Petaluma River Watershed Flood Control Project report to provide input on the annual budget @ 4pm.

December 8 @6:30 p.m.
Community Center (Lucchesi Park) 
Craft Room 1
320 N. McDowell Blvd., Petaluma

For more information about the Water Agency’s Stormwater Management-Groundwater Recharge studies, go to

Keep current with Petaluma Flood Control Projects by visiting the City web site: