Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rockin' Rio Nido - December 2011

Once upon a December...
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is three weeks away.
Keep in mind that although the stores are doing their best to get you to spend your hard earned dollars, stop and I really need to spend all this money on material possessions? Given the state of the economy and how many families are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table you may want to rethink this entire commercial obsession. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it and putting it on credit can backfire. 

Think about the true spirit of the holiday.....spending time with friends and family over a nice meal and conversation. Perhaps bake some festive and decorative holiday cakes, sugary cookies and/or make a colorful potluck.  If you have the wee itty bitty kiddies, scale it down and buy one or two meaningful gifts and place under the tree.

The holidays can be very stressful for many people. Homemade gifts are sometimes the very best and show how much you really care about someone. I personally enjoy opening a handmade gift from a family member or friend much more. Remember, it is the thought that counts and not how much you spend. Just watching the hordes of people running from store to store in a frenzied panic shopping till going comatose is not my idea of a good time. Make your holiday bright and memorable with the people in your lives that matter and perhaps helping out someone in need of food, shelter or clothing this holiday season.

Friends of Rio Nido (FRN) Come through Again
The Friends of Rio Nido (FRN) are at it again. Have you seen all the new stop and yield signs and road reflectors throughout Rio Nido? A special thanks to John Uniack and Kim Holliday for their perseverance in making this a reality for all of us to have safer roads for drivers and pedestrians. The Beautification Vigilantes of FRN as well as the Infrastructure team were on the loose in full force cutting wild shrubbery and getting rid of wayward branches all over Rio Nido and hauling them away. Thanks Friends of Rio Nido for all the improvements you have made to this little enclave under the redwoods this past year. All of your accomplishments have made a huge difference in this community.

2011 has been a pivotal year for FRN. Looking forward to all the amazing contributions from this group in 2012. Glad to be a member and part of all the goodwill being bestowed upon this enclave under the beautiful redwoods. You ARE Rockin’ Rio Nido!

New Year’s Eve Celebration
Come ring in the new year with New Year’s eve at the Rio Nido Roadhouse, a party to ring in 2012. Feast on scrumptious appetizers throughout the evening. Get your dance on from 8pm - 12 midnight by the Fargo Brothers. Champagne toast for everyone when the clock strikes a new year. A hearty and delectable breakfast buffet will be served at midnight. Dress up or dress down, but come on into town and celebrate. Tickets $25.00 at the door, $22.00 in advance.
12/3: Levi Loyd; 12/10: The Soulshine Blues; 12/11: DGIIN; 12/17: The Rhythm Cats or call 707-869-0821.

Pet of the Month
Riley is the happy two year old doggie-child of Marco & Craig who recently relocated from the Sierra foothills. Riley is a border collie, blue healer-greyhound mix. He looks very similar to a Dalmation. This makes for a combination of very smart and fast. In three short visits to the dog park he’s already learned how to scale the dog park fence. Although sweet by nature and submissive, his bark is ferocious. When his two daddies decided they were ready for a puppy child, they went to Petfinders to find a rescue and met with him three days later. Riley is a friendly boy and likes to meet other doggies. You can often see Riley playing in the park with his buddy Jesse James frolicking, chasing balls and playing hide n seek.