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Monday, August 17, 2009

Graton's Former Fire Chief Ed Cordoza Passed On

Fire Chief Ed Cordoza is the second man from the right

Graton Fire’s Flag Flies at Half-Mast

Our flag flies at half-mast for the one of the original fire chiefs that actually helped install the flag pole and build part of the station. On Friday, August 14th, former Fire Chief Ed Cordoza passed away. Chief Cordoza was one of the founding Graton firefighters in 1949, before it was even officially recognized, and served as its fifth fire chief for five years during the 1960’s.

After retiring, Ed returned to serve Graton Fire as a Board Director for 12 years. During his tenure as firefighter, chief, and director, he accomplished many things, including gathering lumber from abandoned chicken coops to build the north section of the fire station. Chief Cordoza also replaced an army surplus truck that had been retrofitted to hold a water tank with an actual water tender fire engine to supply water during fires. “He was one of the finest chiefs; he got along with everyone“, said Lee Walker, a former firefighter that fought alongside Chief Cordoza and eventually became a fire district board member himself.

Chief Cordoza leaves behind his wife, Eleanor, five children, and numerous grandchildren. His memorial service will be held on Wednesday, August 19th at 12:30 at the Pleasant Hills Memorial Park in Sebastopol. The family has requested that donations be sent in lieu of flowers to the Graton Firefighters Association, PO Box 80, Graton, CA 95444.

Bill Bullard, Deputy Chief
Graton Fire Protection District
3205 Ross Road, P.O. Box A
Graton, CA 95444
707-823-5515 ext. 3
707-823-7251 fax

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