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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Take It for a Spin

Nanci Adams wants to spread the word about the benefits of Vibration Therapy.

By Nanci Adams

I am not here to advertise a product. I am not a distributor, major company stockholder nor do I own a business. Nobody is paying me to write this article. I am here--by choice and at the risk of sounding like an infomercial--to share my experiences with and extol the virtues of vibration therapy. Please read on, just for a few minutes, as I tout the benefits of the device that provides this therapy--a device that will go unnamed, as it a registered trademark. My hope is that others will at least try vibration therapy and personally find out on their own how amazing this experience can be. Like Pilates or yoga for some, vibration therapy has become the perfect compliment to my current weight-training and cardiovascular program.

At his point, I should briefly explain what vibration therapy is without your eyes glazing over reading facts and figures. I am not big on pie charts and graphs so you will be spared the flashback horrors of eighth-grade math. But, to fully understand what you will personally achieve based on your body’s needs, please bear with me by reading on.

To be sure, there are enumerable clinical applications of vibration therapy and it is used in the medical field for the treatment and prevention of a variety of illnesses and injuries such as osteoporosis, arthritis and lower back pain, to name a few. And naming those few are enough. The bottom line is that if you feel debilitated or incapacitated by either your weight or a current malady, but you can and want to move, I urge you to begin your new and improved exercise regimen with vibration therapy. Get your body moving and start at your body’s core: the central nervous system and cellular level.

Okay, time to throw away the text book facts, product pamphlets and FDA findings and personalize this: I want to burn calories and fat. Believe it or not, these are among the many of my results from using vibration therapy. As vain and superficial as these goals may be (and they are), they’re my goals, darn it all, and I am achieving them. But now it is bonus time: I am also achieving benefits not written in the “Guaranteed Results Handbook”. If you want a list of these results, please, by all means, go to a vibration therapy website and read about all of the wonderful goals that can and have been attained.

One of my personal bonuses is that I feel amazingly calm and relaxed after a 10-minute vibration session. I am behind the wheel of my car, people on cell phones are whizzing through red-light intersections in front of me and the world is still a beautiful place.

While I am on my 10-minute vibration session (in utter and complete locked door privacy), I don’t just stand there like a ninny: I move about like a ninny. I do my yoga facial exercises to tighten my facial tissue (which the vibration therapy does without my lion’s face); I practice my hula motions (because I want to master the hoop) and I indulge in other dance moves (to say nobody does The Shake like I do is way too obvious; suffice it to say nobody does The Shimmy like I do and a LOT of that shimmying is involuntary). Movement creates movement and when sound at varying frequencies runs through your body (from the top of your head to the tips of your toes), you cannot help but move.

Somebody once told me that he does voice exercises while vibrating. I suspect that he is yodeling but I will never be able to prove it.

Have you not yet caught on to the fact that besides all of the medicinal benefits that you will derive from vibration therapy, you will also be having fun?

My first “adventure” was just over a year ago at the home of woman I trust and admire very much; she whimsically referred to our 10-minute sessions as “adventures”. Because I held this woman in high regard (and still do), I had very high hopes as to what vibration therapy could do to and for my body. Where and what, I did not know, but I knew the results would be something very good. I was right.

This wonderful woman had given me all kinds of literature to read, substantiating and validating vibration therapy, but my personal experience closed the deal. I was hooked and came to her home to partake of the healing vibrations two to three times a week. She had clients enjoying adventures two to three times a day: men and women of all ages, with all kinds of health conditions and healing goals, all of which (vain and otherwise) were being achieved: sinus problems were clearing up, symptoms of central nervous system disorders were alleviated and some saw the added benefit of cellulite melting away. By now, this woman has become a very successful distributor of the vibration therapy device, so providing personal adventures has became secondary, yet no less fulfilling.

But for some odd and inexplicable reason, I no longer felt that I was achieving any benefits and I took a hiatus for several months. Then, quite recently, as I explored the “what is missing” list of my life, I slapped my palm on my forehead and knew that I was NOT missing my V-8: I realized that I was very much missing my vibration therapy.

Luckily, I discovered another place in Sonoma County that offers vibration therapy and I whole-heartedly hopped back on board, full throttle for my daily spin, at least 4 to 5 times a week. And I since I am a Mode 6 Kind o’ Girl, I do mean full-throttle. Other people who participate in vibration therapy at this same venue (the owner very much included, if not at the top of the list) are over-the-moon about their personal results. People in top peak personal condition to less than peak and less than healthy are singing the praises of their results. Some have called vibration therapy a life saver. I call it a start and now quite possibly an addiction. But no worries: it’s akin to being addicted to spring water or unpolluted air.

I am not taking this show on the road or going on QVC. This is a testimonial and an editorial: a “testitorial“ or, in my case, an “estrogenorial”, because I know first-hand that vibration therapy soothes some of symptoms of PMS and menopause.

If you want more information about this therapy, please contact me at and I can get you connected with a number of people who facilitate vibration therapy and who can explain it—at the cellular level and beyond—like nobody else I know.

You will hear stories about people like Rex, who used to be very cane-dependent, but now enjoys life—mostly in his garden—without the need of his cane. Do the math (eighth-grade or otherwise): better balance plus increased bone density equals less chance of falling and/or less chance of bone breakage. Believe me, it’s not just seniors who have balance issues—my sense of stabilization has improved drastically. And, as a woman over 50, it is reassuring to know that I have far less likelihood to be a candidate for osteoporosis.

This adventure is not for or embraced by everyone. But at least take a spin find out for yourself.


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Viewpoint Inspired

Mitch Darnell offers advice on personal matters to readers. Contact Mitch with your questions via e-mail at

Mitch Darnell, MA
Inspiration Wedding Officiant
tel: 916/247.1655

Dear Mitch,

I’ve been dating my current boyfriend for almost three years now, living together for the past 14 months. Over the past six months, however, I’m noticing I’m getting kind of turned by some of the things “Steve” and I fight about… and I’m having major feelings for my best friend “Joe”!

I’ve told Steve about my feelings for Joe, hoping he’d get why I’m feeling alienated from Steve. Steve’s sadness at learning about my feelings for Joe moved me – I truly care for this man after three years, Mitch… But Steve wants to be a photographer and a childrens’ books writer. Joe has the drive for something more, and I want a family man and someone who can contribute financially.

I’ve told Joe I love him, and I spend tons of time with Joe because he treats me better than Steve ever has. But, I worry about Steve. He’s not too social, and if he’s not with me, he doesn’t seem like the type to date again. At least Joe can find someone else later.

Please help! I’ve been pondering this for the past six months!

Foolish & Fretting
Hey Fretting,

I bet a lot of your friends have been in this spot!!

When we’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to sort through “stuff”, best to break it down into manageable pieces…

° Take that D-E-E-E-E-P breath… And a couple more… Then…

° Pretend you’re looking at three people you don’t know. Allow none of them to be “bad”; all to be “normal people trying to find their way through life”!

° Write down what, for you, are the elements of a “good relationship”… Maybe include: Trust, Affection, Commitment to stick with it; fun; good sex… - Whatever are truly important to YOU!

° Are you finding that, when you and Steve are both present (not off spending lots of time with another love interest) those elements are/were present?

• If Steve & you did have those elements, time to first look at yourself for “what happened”… Maybe, deep down, you really always knew that Steve wasn’t “the right one”…

• If Steve & you didn’t have those elements, time to first look at yourself for “why did I accept that”? Maybe you just needed to have a little fun back then, or maybe you weren’t ready for “the real thing”!

• Don’t seek a “right” or “wrong” person in this. Seek insight into yourself – your motivations, needs, expectations and values.

° You know deep down that you’re not giving the relationship with Steve what it needs to succeed by carrying on with Joe.

° BOTH Joe and Steve will live without you! They get to make choices about any loss of relationship with you, and about their lives. You’re only responsible for your actions in and out of the relationship(s)!

° Examine what “LOVE” is to you… What’s “unconditional love”.. “commitment”..?

… You’ll have your answers if you truly take those steps!.. You’ve started the process to learn here – don’t step out – STAY ENGAGED IN YOUR LIFE!

~ Namasté ~

Hey Mitch,

My friend recently was dumped by his girlfriend. According to him they talked it out and they agreed to still be close but not have a sexual relationship. I asked whether or not he’d still want to be in this relationship if she (most likely) finds another boyfriend, and is sexually active with him. He said yes!

The circumstances of this situation are still somewhat unclear to me, because he promised her he wouldn’t tell anyone about them breaking up. And, he makes ambiguous comments such as, “I’ve got to accept the fact that I’ve been replaced!” He said this even before they broke up, which makes me think she cheated on him. He says they “talked it out”, and that he still wants to be close with her.

I’m his friend, and he was open to support, but I don’t think this is a healthy relationship for him to be in because it looks like he’s going to have trouble moving on. It almost seems to me like she just said she wanted to be close so that he doesn’t act out.

He’s obviously really torn by being disengaged. Is this a healthy relationship?

Friend Trying To Help

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Hey Friend,

Hard to find something... when you don’t know what it is!

Maybe this IS OK for him! Any chance you’re projecting YOUR intentions, hopes, or fears onto your friend?! Alright, so you’ve contracted (verbally, spiritually… somehow) to caretake for your friend a little! Hey, we all need at least one friend who cares!..

It’s hard to discern what’s truly happening in any relationship because, even in our own relationships, we’re never aware of 100% of the facts! Meanwhile, these ambiguous tidbits suggest your friend’s confused, don’t they? Is this a “boyfriend-girlfriend” relationship now? A “we both feel we’re better friends than lovers” deal?

¤ The first thing I’d do is ask your friend what the definition/title of the relationship is. Does he still feel she’s his “girlfriend”?

» If he DOES say she’s still his “girlfriend”, then what’s his definition of that?! If “girlfriend” means “my buddy who’s available for intimate relationships with other people”, then we have a match! “Healthy”? Well, not if he truly wants what most of us expect out of a “girlfriend”!

» “No, NOT a girlfriend anymore”? Then, what IS she? “Buddy Pal I Used To Date, But I Don’t Care She’s Moved On”?!

¤ As your friend talks, watch to see if his title & definition of the new relationship match his behaviors and emotional appearance. Does he act upset about the circumstances? If he seems to be cool & calm & says he’s moved onto being her “friend”, there is a chance they are on the same page, and that may be healthy for him!

… Yet you could be worried because he’s truly not acknowledging this deal’s not good for him! Intuitively, you may have a clearer picture than the person caught up in the relationship…

He says he’s “been replaced” – If so, why’s he standing around to watch the next episode of this drama? Confirmation that he’s “not worthy”? To try to “make some sense of it”?

Whatever your friend’s seeking… it’s NOT found hanging around his ex! It’s within his own heart! No person can ever be “replaced”. Something’s not there for these two to remain boyfriend/girlfriend. What’s been replaced is what he thought they had together. Now, what’ll he replace that with?

It sounds to me like he’s looking toward her post-relationship life to replace something in him. Healthier for him might be:

a. Pulling away from her, and going through the grieving process – honoring the end of the relationship…

b. Identify what it is he truly needs in a good romantic relationship! Starting with: one where he doesn’t have to promise to “not tell anyone” about what’s going on…

c. Determine his lessons from this relationship, so he can be himself, truly be her friend, be present to others in his life (like you), and be receptive for his next romantic relationship!... Stay involved in HIS LIFE!

Spiritually, your friend and this woman contracted to learn lessons from each other. Either they’re done with their contract in this lifetime, or there’s more to do in a different phase. He has a glorious opportunity here to learn, and your support to inspire him. It’s time he stop emotionally stalking his past!

~ Namasté ~

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Dear Mitch,

I need your help. I was raised in the Catholic Church, but I’m no longer Catholic, or even spiritual. My wife was raised an Athiest, and we’re comfortable with our decision not to belong to, or raise our children with, a religion. The problems come from my parents.

My parents disapprove of our belief and show disregard for our decisions. They disapproved of my marriage outside the church, and they strongly opposed our decision to not baptize our children. Despite our repeated requests to respect our decision, my parents try to incorporate religion into my family! They give my family religious gifts (like our ever-growing, never-displayed nativity scene). Every Sunday, they call and invite us to church. We can’t leave our children with my parents because they are receiving conflicting messages.

I don’t want to sever ties with my parents, Mitch, as I appreciate everything else about them. However, we’re rapidly approaching a point of no return. What can we do to help my parents respect our beliefs and our decisions?

Amazed at This

Hey Amazed!

George Burns said, “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city”!

So, juggling conflicting family roles!...

• Your prime responsibility: powerful unity with your wife, establishing and maintaining a powerful foundation for your marriage and for your childrens’ future.

• Communicating – Keeping “on the same page” with your wife – empowering your decisions, and your communication with your parents. If your parents can see you and your wife as strong, they may feel you have what they want for you, and drop the proselytizing!

• If you haven’t already, please acknowledge your parents for the fact that they care enough to eagerly advocate for… well, whatever they’re advocating for.

• Once you’ve determined the role of extended family like your parents, you may wish to sit them down and explain that in your nuclear family, you and your wife have established your values, and that your parents gave you core values which you honor in your marriage family (credit your parents for teaching/modeling some values you can name).

• Explain to your parents that you and your wife feel uncomfortable with the constant messages about their religion, and that this makes you feel alienated from your parents, and unable to trust that they’re supportive of what you want for your family.

My friend, you can only learn and speak your truth. What your parents do with it is their choice. Hopefully, they want you to have a marriage and family grounded in good values and love, versus needing to enroll you in their religion. They may make it evident that your family’s strength and happiness is secondary to their need to enroll…

Your charge is your current and the younger generation – Live consciously, and listen with your heart ~

~ Namasté ~


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Monday, June 16, 2008

Celebrate What's RIGHT with the World

National Geographic Photographer Dewitt Jones talks about what he has learned from being a photographer, traveling the world, and looking at life from a positive perspective. He passes along his inspiration for others to see though his eyes, both in words and stunning images. Definitely worth the time.


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