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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Law Enforcement Related Death Study

Family Members Needed for Study on Law Enforcement Related Deaths

The Investigative Sociology project at Sonoma State University (SSU) and Media Freedom Foundation are conducting a study on the commonalities of law enforcement related deaths in the San Francisco Bay/Northern California Area. We are seeking to interview individuals in families of people who have died in a law enforcement related incident within the past twenty years. Students from the spring 2010 SSU Investigative Sociology class will be conducting confidential one-hour interviews with family members in April. The purpose of the study is to evaluate support programs for families who have experienced such a tragedy, and the lowering of the overall number of law enforcement related deaths.

SSU professors supervising the study include: Peter Phillips, Sociology Department, Tryon Woods and Diana Grant in the Criminal Justice Department.

To arrange a confidential interview or refer a family contact—e-mail, Dr. Peter Phillips:
