Endangered California Tiger Salamander! - OAEC Video

Sonoma County's Endangered
Tiger Salamander
Video from the Occidental Arts
& Ecology Center
Water Institute
Tiger Salamander
Video from the Occidental Arts
& Ecology Center
Water Institute
We hope that you will enjoy and find our latest project of interest.
Please forward it out widely and/or blog about the plight of this amazing animal and its threatened Valley Oak Savannah & Vernal Pool world!!
This is another collaborative project between Ben Zolno, Brock Dolman and Jim Coleman of ZoDoCo Productions, with special thanks to Dave Cook!
The fate of our distinct Sonoma County population of California Tiger Salamander hangs in the balance pending a process and decision over the next year by the California Fish and Game Commission. Please encourage them to list this species population as “endangered” (see info below and in video)!
BTW - Note: No salamanders were harmed in the making of this film.
Sal E. Manderly Yours, Brock

This is a special report on the slayings of rare California Tiger Salamanders on a Sonoma County Road, and one easy thing you can do to save the rest of them!
It will take only 45 seconds of your time to save California Tiger Salamander in Sonoma County.
The California Fish and Game Commissioners have one-year to decide if the rare California Tiger Salamander in Sonoma County should be listed as "endangered". If they don't list it, the protections that come with an endangered status will be lost. Contact these folks and remind them that scientists agree that they are, in fact, endangered, and that the Sonoma County California Tiger Salamander should be listed by the State of California as an endangered species!
California Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
Phone (916) 653-4899
Fax (916) 653-5040
E-mail: fgc@fgc.ca.gov
(e-mail is fine, but if you take a minute to print it out and mail it, it has a much bigger impact!)
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