Friends of Shollengerber Park Volunteers Support Applauded
Huge Volunteer Effort
Scans 70,000 Pages to Prepare the Administrative Record
for Dutra Challenge Lawsuit
Thirty volunteers from Friends of Shollenberger, Moms for Clean Air, Petaluma Tomorrow, The River Council and other individuals worked in teams of 4-5, morning and afternoon shifts, for two weeks at the County Offices to help prepare the Administrative Record for the Dutra legal challenge. The official record includes all reports, responses, comments, e-mails, meeting records and minutes, gathered from the original application for the project in 2004 through the final decision by the Supervisors on Dec. 14, 2010. All of your letters, e-mails, and signed petitions were there in boxes. It was inspiring to see how many of you took the time to thoughtfully weigh in against the Dutra proposal.
We also transcribed tapes of the entire supervisors’ meetings on Dutra (Oct. 12, 2010 and Dec. 14, 2010 (where the public was prohibited from commenting.) This is the foundation for our Brown Act (public meeting) claims, newly added to the lawsuit.
Any evidence must be part of the Administrative record or it cannot be considered in a CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) challenge. The record will be digitized, indexed, organized, and submitted to County Counsel for confirmation of accuracy and completeness.
We are grateful to the tireless and dedicated volunteers who scanned the record. Hiring the County to do this task would have cost upwards of $50K, or hiring a private scanning service, upwards of 10K. Instead fellow citizens took time off from work and family to do the job.
Please donate to show your support of these volunteers, the health of our community, and the right to protect the environment via CEQA. If each of you sent in $30 today, one dollar for each scanning volunteer, we could easily meet this month’s funding needs.
The legal challenge can stop the asphalt factory at this location: no sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic entering and exiting town, no holding your breath and rolling up your windows against noxious fumes, no avoiding Shollenberger Park with its blighted view of asphalt storage silos and toxic “blue smoke” from hot asphalt filled trucks.
You can help shape the future of Petaluma by DONATING.
Go to and clicking our Friends/PayPal Donate logo, making a tax-deductible on-line donation. OR write checks, also tax-deductible, made out to the O.W.L. Foundation, note: Friends of Shollenberger.
Mail the check to
Friends of Shollenberger, PO Box 2114, Petaluma, CA 94953.
Check out our new LOGO on our website, the Black Necked Stilt
Send in your ideas on how to build momentum to
Thanks to all of you,
Joan Cooper for Friends of Shollenberger