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Monday, March 14, 2011

Tick-bite Prevention Video Contest

Lyme Disease  needs a little Creative HELP!
Public Service announcement Video Contest
$350 award

The California Department of Public Health and the DEET Education Program are excited to announce the launch of our Tick-bite Prevention Video Public Service Announcement (PSA) Contest! The purpose of the contest is to create short video public service announcements to help people understand how to prevent tick-bites.

The contest is open to California residents only. There are two age and award categories for the Video PSA:
1) 17 and younger
2) 18 and older

The first place winner in both categories will receive $350 and an award certificate. The winning videos may be featured on broadcast TV and/or radio and on government and partner websites and will remain available on YouTube. The winners may be invited to press events and/or asked to appear in future contest promotional videos. Other awards certificates will be issued for winners receiving second or third place or honorable mention.

Complete contest rules and entry forms can be found at: Entries are being accepted through April 1, 2011.

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