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Monday, October 24, 2011

South Santa Rosa gets Upgrades

Federal Recovery Act 
dollars help fund sewer upgrades, 
road improvements in South Santa Rosa 

On Monday, October 17th, construction crews began street repairs in the South Park area of Santa Rosa. The repair and repaving job is the final task in a project that included upgrading and replacing more than 6,000 feet of sewer lines and laterals.

The $2.2 million project, which affects approximately 125 residences, is partially funded by the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Ratepayers living in the South Park County Sanitation District, which is operated by the Sonoma County Water Agency, also helped fund the project. 

“The people in this neighborhood have waited a long time for improvements to their sewer system. The ARRA funding provided the match the Water Agency needed to also repair and repave the streets, too,” said Water Agency Chairman of the Board Efren Carrillo. 

Work on the project began in May, when old sewer lines were removed and replaced and the lateral lines that lead to residents’ homes were replaced. The work required streets in the neighborhood to be temporarily opened up, closed and patched. The Water Agency received a $120,000 grant of ARRA funding to help repair potholes caused by the construction project and to repave the streets with two inches of asphalt. The ARRA funds helped offset the total $330,000 cost of road repaving, making it possible for the sewer replacement project to move forward this during the summer. 

“This project is a perfect example of how ARRA funds continue to improve quality of life and create jobs in our communities,” said Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma). “With unemployment still unacceptably high and so many infrastructure upgrades needed, I will continue to fight in Congress for this kind of federal investment in our people and our neighborhoods.” 

Ghilotti Construction, headquartered in Santa Rosa, is doing the work. The streets that are being repaved include: Westwood (between Hearn and Leo), Southwood, Leo, and Liana, plus Biwana Drive, Rose Meadow Drive, Rose Bud Court and the south end of McMinn Avenue. Street repairs are expected to be complete by next week.

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