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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Funding for Integrated Water Management Approved

State Approves Funding for North Coast 
andBay Area Projects

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) this month announced final approval for integrated water management funding including $8.2 million for the North Coast region and $30.1 million for the Bay Area region. The North Coast plan designates $1 million for the Sonoma County Water Agency’s (Water Agency) Copeland Creek project. The Bay Area plan includes $765,000 for local water conservation programs and $2 million for the North Bay Water Reuse Authority.

“North Coast and Bay Area integrated regional water management efforts are pivotal to securing state funding for local water supply reliability, habitat restoration, and water conservation projects,” said Water Agency Chair Efren Carrillo. “These funding awards would not have been possible without the active collaboration between local governmental organizations and stakeholders representing the environment, local economy and cultural organizations. Thank you to everyone for their time and dedication to ensuring both the North Coast and Bay Area plans succeed and bring local projects to life.”

The funding is part of Proposition 84, Chapter 2 Integrated Regional Water Management Grant Program, administered by DWR, which provides funding for projects that assist local public agencies meet long-term water needs of the state including the delivery of safe drinking water and the protection of water quality and the environment. The Water Agency is a member of both the North Coast and Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Programs.

The $1 million awarded for the Copeland Creek Project will fund Phase 1 projects of a multi-phase effort to improve flood protection and fish habitat, and reduce the sediment that is deposited in the Copeland Creek Watershed. This work will include the use of Conservation Corps Crews and a public outreach and education component.

Of the $2 million for the North Bay Water Reuse Authority, $500,000 will be used for funding the installation of an 18-inch, one-mile long recycled water pipeline from the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District’s treatment plant. The pipeline, which is currently under construction, will expand the District’s ability to serve recycled water to additional customers for irrigation purposes.

A total of $765,000 will help fund a variety of water conservation rebate programs in the cities of Sonoma, Petaluma, Valley of the Moon and North Marin water districts, and the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District and Penngrove Sanitation Zone. Rebate programs will help residential and business customers pay for and/or install high efficiency toilets and urinals, high efficiency clothes washers, irrigation upgrades (such as turf removal and drip irrigation conversion) and smart irrigation controllers. Customers are encouraged to contact their local water supplier for more rebate information.

“This funding reflects the success of the North Coast integrated regional water management process,” said North Coast IRWM Policy Review Panel Chair and City of Rohnert Park Vice Mayor Jake Mackenzie. “We've shown other parts of the state how to work cooperatively and be recognized for that.”

Learn more about the North Coast IRWM Plan:

Learn more about the Bay Area IRWM Plan:


Sonoma County Water Agency provides water supply, flood protection and sanitation services for portions of Sonoma and Marin counties. Visit us on the Web at

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